Wednesday, July 25, 2007

July 21st The KOA just made my list!

We drove a lot today. We entered Washington to find that the East side of the state is empty. We're talking abandoned houses in fields. We drove until it got dark, which we try very often NOT to do. Washington is known for its wet weather and today we got our first taste of rain. We had had rain earlier in the trip but always at night. We also ran into our first shortage on campsites. Turns out people love to camp in the middle of nowhere in the rain. The only site we could find was at a KOA. For those of you that don't know, that's short for Kamp Ground of America. It also stands for suck. (And the spelling of "camp" with a "K" annoys Kathy endlessly) After spending the last two weeks doing some real camping, it was nearly unbearable to hear some of the guests talk about how great it is to camp. This place was the Hilton of campgrounds; Pool, spa, game room, store, WIFI, cabins, basketball courts, and a DJ. Thats right they were having a dance party as we set up camp. All of this wouldn't have been that bad except for the fact that they were charging $49.95 for tent sites. We managed to get one for $39.95 because it was basically an alley. It was such a crap site they had to show it to us before we agreed to stay there. So we setup camp in the rain and cooked dinner in the rain. Oh yeah we also ate in the rain. I hate rain! I'm buying a tarp tomorrow!

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